What Exactly is an Ofrenda?
A field guide to the centerpiece of Día de los Muertos celebrations.
Ofrendas have long been a hallmark of día de los muertos celebrations in México and other Spanish-speaking countries. They're put together to honor the memories of loved ones who have passed away and offer a glimpse into the rich cultural traditions that surround this remarkable holiday.
Specifically, an ofrenda is a decorated altar that is set up in homes, cemeteries, and other spaces. These altars are typically adorned with flowers, candles, photographs, and other items that are personal to the deceased. Ofrendas create a space where families and friends can come together to remember their loved ones and honor their memories.
What decorations are used in ofrendas?
When it comes to decorating an ofrenda, there are no hard and fast rules. Though, the altar should reflect the personality and interests of the deceased.
Here are five items commonly found in an ofrenda:
1. Cempazúchitl
Marigold flowers, known as cempazúchitl in Spanish, are traditionally used to decorate home altars, but other types of flowers can also be used.
2. Candles
Candles are often placed on an ofrenda to represent the light that guides the spirits of the dead back to their homes.
3. Photographs
Families often place photographs of their loved ones on the altar to honor their memory.
4. Foods and drinks
Traditional día de los muertos foods, such as pan de muerto and hot chocolate, are sometimes offered on an ofrenda as a way of welcoming the spirits of the dead back to their homes.
5. Personal items
Personal items that remind the family of the deceased, such as favorite books or hobbies, can be included on an ofrenda as a way of honoring their memory.
Ofrendas are the centerpiece of día de los muertos celebrations
Ofrendas play an important role in día de los muertos celebrations because they provide a tangible way for families and friends to honor the memories of their loved ones. By setting up an altar and decorating it with personal items, families can create a space where they can come together to remember their loved ones and celebrate their lives.