On the Move: Navigate Any Spanish-Speaking City Like a Local

Learn essential vocabulary to get the most out of your travels.

On the Move: Navigate Any Spanish-Speaking City Like a Local
Photo by Howei Wang / Unsplash

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a novice adventurer, getting around a new city can be daunting, especially when language barriers are involved. This guide will equip you with the Spanish transportation vocabulary and phrases you need to navigate the streets of any Spanish-speaking city like a local. From hailing a taxi to understanding traffic signs with confidence and ease, we've got you covered.

Getting Around: Transportation Methods

Before we dive into specific vocabulary, let's take a look at the various transportation methods you might encounter in a Spanish-speaking city.

Public Transport

Public transportation is a lifeline in most cities, and it's no different in Spanish-speaking countries. Here are some common methods you're likely to come across:


Bus. Usually a cheap and efficient way to get around the city.


Subway or underground train. A faster alternative to the bus, especially during rush hour.


Train. This could refer to local trains within a city or longer-distance trains between cities. This is especially common in Europe.

gray and blue train
Photo by Diego Mazz / Unsplash


Tram or streetcar. Often a charming way to see the city at a slower pace.

white and red vehicle on road
Photo by Luiz Felipe / Unsplash

Private Transport

If you prefer more private means of transportation, here are some options:


Easily hailed on the street or booked ahead.


Ride-sharing services like Uber are popular in many Spanish-speaking countries.

Auto de alquiler

Rental car. Gives you the freedom to explore at your own pace.


Bicycle. Many cities offer bike-sharing programs or rentals for a fun and eco-friendly option.

a row of red and white bicycles parked next to each other
Photo by Mahdi Samadzad / Unsplash

Vocabulary to Get You Going

Let's dive into the Spanish transportation vocabulary that will be music to your travel-loving ears. These words and phrases will help you navigate your journey, from understanding schedules to asking for directions.

Schedules and Timings

Knowing when your chosen mode of transportation arrives or departs is crucial. Here's how you can ask about schedules and timings:

Spanish English
¿A qué hora sale/llega el autobús/tren/vuelo? What time does the bus/train/flight leave/arrive?
¿Cada cuánto pasa el autobús? How often does the bus come?
¿Cuánto se tarda en llegar a...? How long does it take to get to...?
¿Cuál es el último tren/autobús a...? What's the last train/bus to...?

Asking for and Giving Directions

Getting lost is part of the adventure, but knowing how to ask for directions can be a lifesaver. Here are some useful phrases:

Spanish English
¿Disculpe, podría indicarme cómo llegar a...? Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to...?
¿Dónde está la estación de autobuses/tren más cercana? Where is the nearest bus/train station?
Siga todo recto hasta el semáforo. Go straight ahead until the traffic light.
Tome la primera/segunda a la derecha/izquierda. Take the first/second right/left.
Está a (número) cuadras de aquí. It's (number) blocks from here.

Traffic and Road Signs

Keeping an eye out for traffic and road signs is essential for your safety and for following the rules.

shallow focus photo of stop signage
Photo by Josué AS / Unsplash

Here are some common signs you might encounter:

Spanish English
Alto Stop
Ceda el Paso Yield
No Estacionar No Parking
Sentido Único One-Way
Desvío Detour
Vocabulary - AddSpanish
Vocabulary sets the groundwork for Spanish mastery. Uncover new words and become a more effective communicator.

Communicating with Drivers

Whether you're in a taxi or an Uber, communicating with your driver is crucial. Here are some phrases to help you get to your destination smoothly:

Spanish English
¿Puede llevarme a...? Can you take me to...?
¿Acepta tarjetas de crédito? Do you accept credit cards?
¿Cuánto cuesta ir a...? How much is it to go to...?
¿Puede poner el aire acondicionado, por favor? Can you turn on the air conditioning, please?

Final Destination: Mastering Transportation Topics

Navigating a new city in a foreign language doesn't have to be daunting. With the right vocabulary and phrases, you can explore with confidence and immerse yourself in the local culture. Remember to practice these words and phrases before your trip, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. The locals will appreciate your effort, and you'll create memorable connections along the way.

¡Buen viaje!