4 Essential Spanish Phrases for Everyday Small-talk

Learn how to start a conversation and make it meaningful.

4 Essential Spanish Phrases for Everyday Small-talk
Photo by Anna Vander Stel / Unsplash

Hey there, amigos!

As you know, small talk is a crucial part of any language. It serves as the spark to a meaningful connection.

In Spanish, small talk is sometimes referred to as hablar de nada. But don't let the term fool you - it's not just about talking about nothing! Small talk in Spanish is a great way to practice your language skills and get comfortable with everyday conversations.

So, what are some essential phrases for Spanish small talk? Here are four that you need to know:

1. ¿Cómo estás?

This phrase is the most common way to start a conversation in Spanish. It means "How are you?" and it's a straightforward way to show your interest in the person you're speaking to.

The answer can be as simple as:


Estoy bien, gracias.


I'm good, thank you.

2. ¿Qué has estado haciendo?

This phrase is a bit more detailed and asks about what the other person has been up to lately. It's a great way to get the conversation flowing and find out more about the other person's interests and hobbies.


He estado tratando de cambiar la rueda de mi bicicleta.


I've been trying to change the wheel on my bike.

3. Me encanta...

This phrase is used to express your love or enjoyment for something. It's a great way to connect with others over shared interests. You could mention your favorite hobby or even your favorite book, for example.


Me encanta la playa.


I love the beach.


Me encanta leer.


I love to read.

If you're unsure about using the word me instead of yo in this case, checkout our guide on reflexive pronouns:

How to Pick the Right Reflexive Verb and Pronoun with Confidence
Reflexive verbs are at the center of countless phrases. Here’s a plain English run-down of the basics.

4. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer hoy?

This phrase is a bit more open-ended and can lead to some fun and interesting conversations. It asks what the other person would like to do today, and it's a great way to find out about their plans and preferences.


Va estar nublado. ¿Qué te gustaría hacer hoy?


It's going to be cloudy out. What would you like to do today?

Practice Spanish small talk

So, there you have it! These four phrases are essential for Spanish small talk and will help you make some great connections with native speakers. Remember to practice them regularly and don't be afraid to use them in your own conversations.

If you'd like to chat with a native speaker, give language exchange a try:

Chat with Spanish Speakers for FREE on Tandem
Tandem allows you to connect with Spanish speakers and practice your Spanish in an immersive setting. It’s free and you can try it from the comfort of your home.

¡Hasta la próxima! (See you soon!)